12 the way home how to get rid of prostatitis

home how to get rid of prostatitis

Prostatitis home treatment with various broths and vegetable origin of funds. Consider more treatment of prostatitis, men:

  1. Pumpkin seed.

    Pumpkin seed extract containing various drugs out there. Not everyone wants to spend the money for expensive drugs for treatment of prostatitis, men may be itself manufactured by Grandma recipes and home remedy-based medicine pumpkin seeds. According to research, pumpkin seeds are the food you need for the normal functioning of the prostate about 30 a day. Zinc, the positive effects of the plant that contains the male body.

    Mix pumpkin and honey help in treatment of prostatitis, when you leave the House. Mix a pound of honey to a cup of pumpkin seeds worn. The coil mass in small balls, place in a dark and cool place. To get two amps each day. A recommended a course of therapy months each year.

  2. Aspen bark.

    A decoction of the bark is another effective prostate inflammation serves Aspen. Cutting the bark in early spring, from time to time, move slower through the water and not the tree of the kidney swelling. Brew a liter of boiling water and drink the brew within 15 days of the permission with crushed shell. When the time expires, take a tablespoon, the tool in three days.

  3. Leaf decoction of roots and leszczyny.

    An effective treatment of prostatitis, men, boiling will get rid of that disease after only a few weeks at home leszczyny take a course. Four tools needed to prepare brew beverage to drink every day a glass of Sunset.

  4. Parsley.

    This tool effectively fights prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, both events in the pelvic area stagnant. A unique a positive impact on plant strength and improves the quality of seminal fluid. Prevention and treatment of prostatitis parsley parsley juice can be consumed thirty minutes before a meal to get that water, six times a day before meals.

  5. Pears.

    Is indicative of a perfect solution, dried fruit compote. After a week of regular application beverage groin pain subsided, the swelling decreases.

  6. The garlic.

    As is well known, the root of this kind is a powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Eating garlic juice before you eat, you just have to get rid of the prostate gland inflammation, male power also basic effects such as multiplication of garlic improve blood circulation the pelvic organs.

  7. Honey.

    Healing properties since ancient times, honey is a popular medicine that is used. You can use honey treatment prostatitis candle. Mix honey, eggs and flour, roll rectal candles and store it in the refrigerator. Recommended to apply the drug for a successful treatment, twice a day.

  8. Kalanchoe.

    This plant has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and hemostatic effect. A tincture the most common drug arrangement. Fill it with vodka, crushed leaves of the plant and permission to infuse the liquid week. Once the tincture will be ready, use a teaspoon for a drink once a day.

  9. Kirlangicotu tincture.

    The juice of this plant has antibacterial effect. Burns to the skin or mucous membranes can be achieved with the use of an incompetent. For food must pour the tincture-density bales chopped chop diluted with alcohol and water plant. Treated leaves of 60 days when it expires Dec should start a little, and re-treatment with 10 days.

  10. Chestnut tincture.

    The item came with the plants that strengthens the blood vessels, cleanses the blood, to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. Chestnut thins the blood by preventing the formation of blood clots effectively. Vitamins C and e have an antioxidant effect and impact on the waste toxins from the body and decomposition products, a preventive action against prostate cancer include vitamin. Zinc, chromium and boron contained chestnut cure genital glands, its function blast back men.

    Chestnuts boiling 30 drops should be taken before meals. Treatment is divided into three stages spaced 10 days.

  11. Conifer bathroom.

    To resolve inflammation and pain killers you can use Conifer bathroom. In a bowl pour the water temperature of 37°C, add a small amount of mortar throughout the procedure coniferous and share every day, is 20 minutes away.

  12. Physical therapy.

    Recommended daily to perform a number of exercises to improve circulation to the pelvis:

    Do 10 deep squats every morning.

    - Mach kick 20 three approaches to be done while lying down, exercise, doing "scissors".

    - Acute diseases, lie on your back, pull, legs bent and with your hands press firmly. Peace watch in this position for 20 minutes. Such measures effectively relieve pain and discomfort spoon.

    Make - up and do not 20 times a pelvic rotation on the other side.

    - Lying on your back and lift your pelvis in this position under one minute. Exercise that you need to do three approaches.

The above activities and recipes using conventional treatments of prostatitis symptoms to occur that will provide an effective and inexpensive drug.